About Us
MUHAKAT is a household name for elite Supply Chain solutions & capacity building brand. What once started as a vision to bridge the Supply Chain talent gap in the Middle East evolved today to become a one stop shop for organizations and individuals welling to excel in Supply Chain.
We pride ourselves with a vast portfolio of educational offerings that serve END to END Supply Chain, throughout our partnerships with APICS, CIPS, ISCEA, IBF & DDI, we served hundreds of learners around the MENA region. Programs like CSCP, CPIM, SCOR-P, Diploma in Procurement and supply in addition to others helped organizations leverage Supply Chains within organizations boundaries.
If you are looking to build your personal and your team capacity in domains like Logistics, Procurement, Forecasting, Inventory, Production Management and Supply Chain, then you have just arrived at the right place.
Moreover, our solutions partners like NETSTOCK and DDI offer paramount solutions for Organizations with a proven record of success in optimizing and digitizing your Supply Chain.