Discover Your Organisation Supply Chain Performance Gaps
Measuring supply chain performance is a key to optimization, and effective benchmarking against industry peers is critical to understand performance gaps. Our Comparative Analysis tool is unique in its access to over 20 years of SCOR data across industries, companies, sites and people. This data set gives business leaders the ability to assess supply chain performance to implement an improvement plan. This unrivaled Comparative Analysis tools enable timely, well-informed decisions to advance your global supply chain.
This Benchmarking service provide organizations with a world-class standard for measuring performance to:
- Measure internal performance
- Compare performance to a custom data population
- Calculate performance gaps
- Set performance goals based on SCOR metrics
- Develop company-specific roadmaps for improving supply chain performance
The most comprehensive supply chain benchmarking tool in the market
When buying this service you will have access to a set of standardized metric benchmark tools based on the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model. The benchmark process combines historical data population which includes more than 1,000 companies, 2,000 supply chains, 5,000 sites and a 20-year history of collaboration, to offer the most comprehensive supply chain benchmarking service available in the industry.
Data that Speaks to Business Leaders
The benchmark assesses the operational performance, complexity, and process maturity through the plan, source, make, deliver and return processes of your supply chain.. This core benefit is one of the first milestones that gets the attention of key stakeholders in your organization. SCORmark, through partnership with PwC’s PMG (Performance Measurement Group), draws on over 20 years of data from companies that have utilized the SCOR metrics scheme to measure their actual supply chain performance, compare themselves to relevant industry players, and calculate opportunity gaps between current performance and competitive requirements.
Attribute | Measures |
Reliability | RL.1.1 Perfect Order Fulfillment |
Responsiveness | RS.1.1 Order Fulfillment Cycle Time |
Agility | AG.1.1 Upside Supply Chain Flexibility |
AG.1.2 Supply Chain Upside Adaptability | |
AG.1.3 Downside Supply Chain Adaptability | |
AG.1.4 Overall Value At Risk (VAR) | |
Cost | CO.1.1 Total Cost to Serve |
Asset Management Efficiency | AM.1.1 Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time |
AM.1.2 Return on Supply Chain Fixed Assets |
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