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In-House Training

Build highly skilled supply chain teams and improve business performance with MUHAKAT’s performance-driven learning programs, throughout our elite partnerships with APICS, CIPS,ISCEA, IBF & Demand Driven Institute  you will be able to upscale your supply chain department.

You may wish to check the Customizable APICS Principles Of Operations Management Courseware series which provides solid foundational operations management knowledge for professionals of all educational backgrounds and levels of work experience. Tailor Ideal educational program for your organization’s unique training needs as programs are designed for a wide range of participants and working professionals from those who are new to operations management to non- operations management staff looking to familiarize themselves with the concepts and applications of operations management.



With the APICS Principles Series you can mix-and-match your educational kit from more than 45 topics in Supply Chain Management  to create:

■  Foundational training for specific operations management roles

■  Targeted training for unique operational challenges within your organization

■  Cross-functional training for senior managers

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