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Simulation Based Learning

Discover the power of experiential learning! MUHAKAT gamification offers a life-like experience based on corporate international best practices.


The Concept of Learning by doing

A high-performing value chain requires collaboration from across the organization. Tearing down silos and creating the right cross-functional mindset can be a serious challenge. How do you prepare for success? Ideally, you’d like to experiment with different scenarios wherein people learn to overcome various obstacles. This is where simulation-based learning comes in through business simulation games, participants have the unique opportunity to learn by experience by immediately putting complex theories into practice.



Advantages of experiential learning:

  • Highly Engaging
  • Constant & immediate feedback
  • Higher Learning Retention Rate
  • Ability to apply theory to practice in real-world experience
  • Promotion of teamwork and soft skills , team-building and collaboration
  • Creating alignment
  • From firefighting to fire prevention
  • Numerous configurations
  • Cloud access, online/Face to Face facilitation




The best value chain learning for everyone

Companies are currently enjoying the business games of our partner Inchainge. Their game-based learning experience facilitates a steep learning curve like no other. With the serious games you learn by experience about the opportunities, challenges and interdependencies when managing the value chain. Topics connected to Strategic and Functional alignment, Integrated Business Planning, and how to adopt a Circular Supply Chain model are dealt with. The simulations put you at the heart of a life-like situation and reveal the impact of every decision you make. This is as close to reality as you can get!

How our business simulation games work

Our partner Inchainge offers three innovative business simulation games:

  • The Fresh Connection, focused on end-to-end value chain management.
  • The Cool Connection, about the cross-functional approach to working capital and the power of Integrated Business Planning (IBP).
  • The Blue Connection, challenges you to transform from a linear to a circular business model.

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