Sales & Operation Planning (S&OP)

Started on January 1, 1970

In today’s complex marketplace, effective planning and performance metrics are critical for success. A successful S&OP process integrates financial,

marketing and operational planning to create over-arching strategic plans for the business. A forward-looking program that will prepare you to collaboratively participate in the S&OP process.


Category and Level: Supply Chain Management – Advance

Track: Non-certification Track

Total hours: 24

Class: Face to Face/Online

Targeted Audience: Anyone in the Supply Chain field that is welling to learn how S&OP is organized as a process.

Upcoming events for this course

04NovemberCIPS Certificate In Procurement & SupplyCIPS Certificate In Procurement & Supply Monday 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Online
Online, Jordan

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